Once in a while, I’ll feel inspired to try an Instagram challenge. In early 2017, I decided to try a pose challenge by recreating inspirational fashion and celebrity shots. I quickly learned the challenge portion when it came to setting up a makeshift studio in my small apartment with a single studio light.
Beauty Shots
Certain poses were simpler to recreate then expected and made lovely beauty shots. It also forced me to work on my expression since it was a tight shot.
Complicated Positions
Others as I found out, didn’t physically make sense as I stretched and leaned as far as my body would allow. Maybe she’s born with it…maybe she has an owl neck? Who knows. I did my best, but it certainly didn’t seem worth a pulled muscle to strain my neck that much!
Jump Around
The ones I had the most fun with were the “action shots”. While complicated to set up and capture, I still had a blast jumping around to get more “height”. I can’t say my downstairs neighbor enjoyed it, but for what it’s worth I tried to land quietly. I also learned there is a skill to keeping a relaxed face mid-jump. And a skill to jumping in heels. So many challenges…
I think I can, I think I can…
What I tend to find most challenging with any project like this is sustaining the same energy for all 30 days. At the beginning of each challenge, the inspiration and ideas are new and flowing. But by the last week, there is a large part of me that is looking forward to relaxing. I looked forward to getting my dining room back after a full month of this project. I hadn’t actually seen my kitchen table during the entire project. But it was worth a few living room picnics!
What sort of Instagram challenges do you enjoy most?
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