A few months ago, one of my friends gave me a suggestion for a blog post, a challenge if you will. What was the challenge? Make clothing and wear it for a blog post – oh, and it had to be made out of food.
That being said, in honor of Thanksgiving, a day to be thankful for the many things we have and people we love, I figured this was the perfect time to share this post.
Consequently, putting popcorn on a string is not as easy as I thought it would be. I did find some advice that helped for future use if anyone plans to decorate for the Holidays using popcorn. After you make the popcorn, let it sit out for a day or so-allowing it time to stale actually helps it stay together when you start threading it on vs the crumble I dealt with in my first attempts. I realized I liked the looks of the cranberries a lot more than the popcorn. As a result, this turned into having a ton of popcorn leftover.
I may have snacked on it…and thrown it around to make popcorn rain.
I have no regrets.
This actually came out pretty decent considering I had no idea what I was doing. Who knows, this challenge may inspire other challenges. Thank you, Clint, for your awesome/fun ideas!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
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