We’ve made it!

Here we are at blog post 100! I can hardly believe how quickly time has passed since starting this site up so long ago. For example, once upon a time, I had a collage portfolio on a free domain with ads all over it. And now, I have a slightly upgraded, much deliberated portfolio layout, and my very own search bar within the site!
Life is good my friends.
Projects unveiled

However, I can’t just say I’ve reached 100 posts without doing something about it. Seriously, what kind of creator would I be without some over the top, hyper-planned secret project?! Probably one with more time on their hands…

But I digress! In honor of this milestone in my blogging/modeling career, I’ve been working on a project which I am excited to unveil:
100 years of Fashion
This project will be categorized by 10 decades of fashion. Each decade will have its own unique outfit, makeup, and hairstyle created to represent the times.
I’ll be starting this project by sharing the first of the decades on my list, the 1920s.
Keep an eye out for those posts in November of 2019!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helps inspire these creative endeavors, and cheers to the next 100 posts!

Looking forward to the fun new content