In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes
Andy Warhol

This look took inspiration from Fashion Icon, Twiggy, and one of my favorite actresses, Audrey Hepburn.

The Swinging Sixties
- Popular music of the era: Pop Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Folk Rock
- Dances of the era: The Twist
- Films of the era: Psycho, Mary Poppins, James Bond
- Books of the era: To Kill a Mockingbird, A Wrinkle in Time, A Clockwork Orange
- History of the era: The Beatles appear on The Ed Sullivan Show, Flower Power, and the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Outfit
A classic shirt dress with the addition of a collar made a simple but effective allusion to the 60s. And yes, you did see that same collar in my 40’s look and my Halloween costume this year!

My makeup in this look was heavily inspired by Twiggy circa 1960s. White liner on the bottom lid, black liner on the top and within the crease, and lots of lashes! I wore one set for this shoot, but the weight of these certainly felt like I was wearing multiple pairs! For hair style, I went with a very long straight wig to channel the “flower power” vibes of the era. And my head scarf accessory detailed with polka dots was a subtle reference to the pop art movement.

I hope you enjoyed my depiction of style during “The Swinging Sixties”.
Stay tuned for the next post in this series, The 1970s: The “Me Decade”!
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